Frontiers in Art Research, 2022, 4(3); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2022.040310.
Mengle Liao, Jia Wang
Guangzhou city Construction College, Guangzhou, China
Nowadays pop music gradually develops and advances, pop singing skills are gradually defined and standardized. With its diversified, comprehensive and easy to accept characteristics, musicals are gradually known by the public in China. In order to satisfy the public's aesthetic taste, a large number of pop music elements are added to the current musical market so that pop singing skills can be used in musical dramas. In order to apply what you have learned, this paper takes the lyrics supernatural Troubles and From now on in the musical The Drunk Winner as examples, and briefly discusses how to use pop singing skills reasonably and skillfully in the musical based on my own learning of pop singing skills and musical practice experience.
Pop Music; Pop Singing; The Musical; Singing Skills
Mengle Liao, Jia Wang. The Application of Popular Singing Skills in Musicals. Frontiers in Art Research (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 3: 51-53.
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