Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2022, 5(3); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2022.050304.
Xiangzhou Hu1, Qianyu Cao1
1School of Foreign Languages, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Du Fu’s poems, as outstanding works of Chinese classical literature, have been translated by many translators at home and abroad and have a high degree of spread. By analysing the translation strategies of David Watson, Kenneth Rexroth, Stephen Owen, and Xu Yuanchong, this paper discusses the real value of the reception of translation strategies to the target language culture, Du Fu’s image building, and the Chinese culture. Furthermore, some suggestions on promoting the dissemination of the Chinese culture through literary translation are put forward.
Du Fu’s poems, translation strategies, value
Xiangzhou Hu, Qianyu Cao. A Study on Du Fu’s Poems Translation Strategies and Their Value. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 3: 10-18.
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