Frontiers in Sport Research, 2022, 4(3); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2022.040306.
Honglin Liu
Sichuan University Software Engineering, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610207, China
This paper examines race strategies in cycling to help athletes win. The three-parameter CP model, which is regarded to critical power CP, anaerobic work capacity AWC and the maximum duration T, and a total energy consumption model are establishment in this paper. We present a segmented optimum technique to investigate riders’ energy distribution, whose target is to obtain relative optimality in each divided tiny time period. To build a total energy consumption model, the player's functional threshold power FTP, available anaerobic work W', and fatigue effect α are all taken into account throughout each time period tk. Then we investigate two typical stages of courses: straight sections and slopes. The model is then applied to real track. The results reveal that the theoretical final time has little difference when compared to the champion's time.
Three-parameter CP Model; Segmented Optimum Technique; Energy Distribution
Honglin Liu. Research of Cycling Race Strategy Based on Segment Optimization Technique. Frontiers in Sport Research (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 3: 28-31.
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