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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2022, 4(5); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2022.040501.

Explicit/Implicit Teachers’ Professional Identity and Learning Engagement of State-Financed and Non-State-Financed Normal Students Majoring in PE: A Comparative Study


Li Chen, Weihong Sun, Jing Chen, Fengxia Yue

Corresponding Author:
Weihong Sun

School of Sport and Exercise Science, Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang, China


Based on the dual-systems models in cognition, the differences of explicit. implicit teachers’ professional identity and learning status between state-financed and non-financed funded normal students majoring in Physical Education are compared. A total of 354 students majoring in Physical Education in a normal university (including 136 state-financed students and 218 non-state-financed students, 297 males and 57 females) participated in the study. Results show that the overall level of teachers’ professional identity of all students is medium to high, the overall level of learning engagement is medium to slightly high, and the overall level of implicit teachers’ professional identity is also higher than the theoretical median. However, there is no significant difference in explicit, implicit teachers’ professional identity and learning engagement between state-financed students and non-state-financed students (ps >.05); but there is a significant positive correlation between explicit teachers’ professional identity and learning engagement (r=.69.p<.01), and the correlation between implicit teachers’ professional identity and learning engagement is of critical significance(r=.15, p=.057), suggesting the need to strengthen and improve students' vocational spirit, enhance their professional identity of physical education teacher and promote learning engagement.


Implicit, Teachers’ Professional Identity, PE

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Li Chen, Weihong Sun, Jing Chen, Fengxia Yue. Explicit/Implicit Teachers' Professional Identity and Learning Engagement of State-Financed and Non-State-Financed Normal Students Majoring in PE: A Comparative Study. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 5: 1-4. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2022.040501.


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