Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science, 2022, 4(4); doi: 10.25236/AJEE.2022.040404.
Xuemei Cao1,2, Yi Sun1,2, Changming Bu1,2, Qiutong Jiang1,2, Yuhui O.Y1,2, Yutong Zhao1,2, Dongxu Zhu1,2
1School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Chongqing University of Science & Technology, Chongqing 401331, China
2Chongqing Key Laboratory of Energy Engineering Mechanics & Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Chongqing 401331, China
Recycled construction waste aggregate is to solve the damage caused by construction waste to the natural environment. Through crushing, screening and other processes, the construction waste aggregate is made into reusable coarse aggregate or fine aggregate, and then replaced by natural gravel or natural sand and stone in different replacement rates and applied to the recycled aggregate in concrete. In this paper, three main physical properties of waste concrete, the old ceramic tile, broken ceramic, crushed clay brick and waste glass aggregate are summarized, which are water absorption rate, apparent density and crushing index of recycled building waste aggregate. The crushed clay brick and broken ceramic aggregate have the highest water absorption rate and low in apparent density and high in crushing index. Waste concrete mixture has excessive water absorption, low apparent density and excessive crushing index, whilst damaged ceramic tile combination has low water absorption, low apparent density and low crushing index.
Construction waste, recycled aggregate, waste concrete
Xuemei Cao, Yi Sun, Changming Bu, Qiutong Jiang, Yuhui O.Y, Yutong Zhao, Dongxu Zhu. Review on Properties of Recycled Construction Waste Concrete Aggregate. Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science (2022) Vol. 4 Issue 4: 34-36.
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