Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2022, 5(7); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2022.050713.
Liu Hanlian
Fujian Universtiy of Technology, Fuzhou, China
In today's media convergence environment, the continuous development of media technology, the continuous change of communication media and the continuous subdivision of the types of information users. As a traditional mainstream media, it is a fact that the dominant position of TV has been shaken. And the status of TV presenters who work for TV stations is also at stake. In the past, the development of traditional media towards the integration of new media mostly stayed at the level of technology and content, rarely involving the participation of TV presenters. With the help of the TV host's popular screen image and influence, it is precisely the advantage and breakthrough point for the traditional TV media to get out of the development dilemma. This article analyzes the contribution of this new trend to the integration and development of traditional media based on the phenomenon of "online celebrity" CCTV hosts who frequently appear in microblog hot searches in China recently.
media convergence; TV host; internet celebrity; TV media
Liu Hanlian. A brief analysis of the new impetus for the integration and development of Chinese traditional TV media: "internet celebrity" CCTV host. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 7: 67-71.
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