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Frontiers in Art Research, 2022, 4(7); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2022.040714.

On the artistic creation of the broadcasting and language of flight attendants


Xi Tianyue

Corresponding Author:
Xi Tianyue

Sichuan University of Media and Communications, Chengdu, 610000, China


With the rapid development of aviation in China, the demand for flight attendants with professional skills is increasing day by day. Good language communication with passengers is very important for flight attendants. Therefore, good language expression ability is the basic quality necessary for flight attendants, and it is also the content that should be paid attention to in the teaching of flight attendants. Only by actively improving the artistry and expressiveness of language can broadcast hosts win the favor of the market and audience. In a certain sense, the broadcasting host is to understand and comprehend the content of the manuscript according to the language law, find the beauty of the language content and form, and convey the beauty of the language to the audience through the sound. The development prospect of flight attendant specialty is relatively clear. In view of this, this paper mainly expounds the basic concepts and main features of the artistry of broadcasting host, and puts forward corresponding improvement strategies to better improve the artistry of broadcasting host language in the new media context, so as to ensure that the artistry of broadcasting host can be fully exerted in the new media era.


Flight attendant major; Broadcast host; Language arts

Cite This Paper

Xi Tianyue. On the artistic creation of the broadcasting and language of flight attendants. Frontiers in Art Research (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 7: 67-70. https://doi.org/10.25236/FAR.2022.040714.


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