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Frontiers in Medical Science Research, 2022, 4(10); doi: 10.25236/FMSR.2022.041006.

Professor Han Shirong's Dialectical Analysis of the Experience of Treating Spot Baldness


Di Wu1, Wenbin Li2, Xiaoning Yan2, Xueying Huang1

Corresponding Author:
Wenbin Li

1Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang, Shaanxi, China

2Dermatology Dept. of Shaanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China


Alopecia areata is a sudden onset of non-scarring and inflammatory patchy hair loss. Western medicine mostly believes it is related to immune factors, while Chinese medicine mostly believes it is related to blood and wind deficiency. Professor Han Shirong has been engaged in clinical dermatology treatment for many years and believes that blood stasis is the main pathogenesis, so treatment should be based on activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis. The combination of generalization and supplementation is used to achieve the goal of eliminating stasis and creating new blood.


Alopecia areata; Activating blood method; famous doctor's experience; syndrome differentiation and treatment

Cite This Paper

Di Wu, Wenbin Li, Xiaoning Yan, Xueying Huang. Professor Han Shirong's Dialectical Analysis of the Experience of Treating Spot Baldness. Frontiers in Medical Science Research (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 10: 30-33. https://doi.org/10.25236/FMSR.2022.041006.


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