Frontiers in Educational Research, 2022, 5(11); doi: 10.25236/FER.2022.051115.
Hui Li, Zikang Ren
Institute of Humanity, Tianjin Agriculture University, Tianjin, China
With the gradual popularization of higher education, the number of college students in China is increasing, and employment has become a problem. Whether you are willing and able to work in a job that matches your major is a problem that every college student encounters in the process of employment. On the basis of combing the literature related to professional identity and employment tendency, this paper uses the literature research method and questionnaire survey method to investigate the current situation of professional identity and employment tendency of college students, and explore the relationship between the two. The study found that students with high degree of professional recognition tend to have a strong interest in learning, and their employment tendencies are clearer; Students have a low sense of professional identity, and their future employment options will be very confused. Based on the conclusions of the study, this paper makes several suggestions to improve students’ sense of professional identity, form a core competitive advantage for students, and help students find careers that match themselves.
College student; Major identity; Employment tendency
Hui Li, Zikang Ren. Research on the Impact of College Students’ Major Identity on Employment Tendency. Frontiers in Educational Research (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 11: 81-89.
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