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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2022, 4(9); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2022.040908.

A Brief Discussion of Language Organization Techniques for Oral News Commentary


Zhixiang Fang

Corresponding Author:
Zhixiang Fang

School of Media and Arts, Wuhan Qingchuan University, Wuhan, China


News commentary is an important form of testing students' ability to construct thinking, organize language, knowledge and express content, and it is also an important training method for their analytical, insightful and critical thinking skills. This paper discusses three aspects of improving students' ability to organize the language of commentary: "pointing out the problem and clarifying the logical starting point of commentary; avoiding crude expressions of opinions and forming a distinctive attitude towards commentary; refining sub-arguments from the material and organizing the language of commentary in a targeted way", hoping to serve as a guide to the "news commentary" section in the teaching of "Oral Expression", and also provide a guide to the "skill" for students learning news commentary.


Problem awareness; Tightly focused material; Targeted refining; Insightful thinking

Cite This Paper

Zhixiang Fang. A Brief Discussion of Language Organization Techniques for Oral News Commentary. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 9: 50-54. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2022.040908.


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