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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2022, 5(13); doi: 10.25236/FER.2022.051320.

Influence of Ethnic Mminorities' Musical Experience on Their Inhibitory Control Function


Yanxiang Wang

Corresponding Author:
Yanxiang Wang

Plateau Brain Science Research Center, Tibet University, Lhasa, Tibet, 850000, China


Music is the product of human consciousness activities, which exists in different ethnic groups and different cultural groups. The ethnic minorities in our country are especially good at singing and dancing, and their musical experience should be more abundant. There is substantial evidence that musical experience not only improves music-related abilities, but also has positive effects on a wide range of cognitive activities. However, we still do not know the internal mechanism of the transfer effect of music experience, which makes us lack scientific guidance in music education and music therapy. In recent years, some theories suggest that the influence of musical experience on cognitive ability is mediated by inhibitory control functions. Inhibitory control function is closely related to individual academic achievement, intelligence level and mental health, and childhood is an important period for the development of executive function. However, until now, there is still a lack of systematic research on the relationship between musical experience and executive function.


ethnic minorities; musical experience; inhibitory control

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Yanxiang Wang. Influence of Ethnic Mminorities' Musical Experience on Their Inhibitory Control Function. Frontiers in Educational Research (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 13: 118-122. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2022.051320.


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