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International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology, 2022, 4(8); doi: 10.25236/IJFET.2022.040807.

Research on electromagnetic orbital accelerator


Xin Haiyan

Corresponding Author:
Xin Haiyan

School of Electron & Computer, Chengxian College, Southeast University, Nanjing, China


This paper describes the design process of the electromagnetic track accelerator system from both hardware and software aspects. It adopts three-level track acceleration and three groups of capacitors to store energy, and adds ZVS boost module to realize continuous acceleration of the electromagnetic track. The system works reliably.


Electromagnetic orbital; Accelerator; Three stage electromagnetic gun; MCU

Cite This Paper

Xin Haiyan. Research on electromagnetic orbital accelerator. International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology (2022), Vol. 4, Issue 8: 48-54. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFET.2022.040807.


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