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Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2022, 5(13); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2022.051316.

From Special Partner to Limited Alienation -- New Trend of India's Strategy towards Russia


Li Qingyang, Wang Weimin

Corresponding Author:
Wang Weimin

School of Government, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, China, 201701


With the rapid development of its own strength, India has become an important border power body in the political chess game of great powers in this century, and is beginning to adjust the strategic direction of major powers by taking advantage of its unprecedented international position and extremely special geographical environment. In this context, India's strategy towards Russia is facing a new round of positioning. Its adjustment to Russia strategy is not only related to the development of India-Russia relations, but also of great significance to the regional geopolitical security environment. This article around India to Russia's strategic adjustment this topic, first reviews the history of India since 1962 on Russia's strategic change, and then to India on Russia's strategic adjustment agent in factor analysis, based on this model to describe India after the picture and put forward the strategies of major powers limited strategic alienation as India to Russia's strategic developments, Finally, based on the relevant judgment of strategic circle, this paper analyzes the prospect of a new round of India's strategy against Russia from the perspective of alliance theory and lists three possible scenarios in the future.


India-Russia Relations, Strategic Appeal, China-Us Relations

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Li Qingyang, Wang Weimin. From Special Partner to Limited Alienation -- New Trend of India's Strategy towards Russia. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 13: 83-93. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2022.051316.


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