Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science, 2022, 4(7); doi: 10.25236/AJEE.2022.040705.
Qixiang Yin
The Frederick Gunn School, Washington, CT 06793, USA
Solar active region NOAA 12673 produced numerous abnormally large solar flares including X9.3. The reason for how those solar flares were triggered, however, remains unclear. This letter, in specific, is intended to determine the underlying nature of how and why solar flares occurred by studying active region NOAA 12673. Having used several methods, we derived some shocking conclusions.
Solar flares, Solar active region, Magnetic field
Qixiang Yin. Research on the Property of Solar Flares in Active Region 12673. Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science (2022) Vol. 4 Issue 7: 26-30.
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