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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2022, 5(16); doi: 10.25236/FER.2022.051601.

Mechanical Engineering Students at Dalian Jiaotong University Should Keep Learning Hand-drawing Courses


Qirui Ding, Yueshan Zhao

Corresponding Author:
Qirui Ding

College of International Education, Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian, China


With the development of electronic information, digital drawing like Solidworks has become an increasingly large part of the mechanical field. Also, followed by the development of technology, mechanical engineering students need to engage in more courses. This has led to a discussion about the need for mechanical engineering students to continue learn hand-drawing courses. This paper takes mechanical engineering students at Dalian Jiaotong University as the subject of the study. This paper argues that mechanical engineering students at Dalian Jiaotong University should continue to take hand-drawing courses by introducing that digital drafting is just a tool, and using this tool requires spatial imagination, which can be developed by hand-drawing courses. This paper also verify the conclusion by experimental data, and show that there will be serious consequences if mechanical engineering students do not take hand-drawing courses. To sum up, mechanical engineering students at Dalian Jiaotong University should keep learning Hand-drawing courses.


Hand-drawing courses, Digital drawing, Mechanical engineering

Cite This Paper

Qirui Ding, Yueshan Zhao. Mechanical Engineering Students at Dalian Jiaotong University Should Keep Learning Hand-drawing Courses. Frontiers in Educational Research (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 16: 1-5. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2022.051601.


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