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Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2022, 5(14); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2022.051401.

Research on paramilitary management of students' daily behavior in secondary vocational schools-taking X military academy as a case


Tingting Xu, Lin Gong, Lixin He

Corresponding Author:
Lin Gong

Sergeant School of Army Academy of Armed Forces, Changchun, China


In recent years, secondary vocational education has played a fundamental role in the construction of a modern vocational education system and the cultivation of technical and skilled personnel. The quality of today's secondary vocational education is still unable to fully meet the needs of economic and social development. This paper takes the research on the problems and countermeasures of paramilitary management of students' daily behavior in X secondary vocational school as the theme. Selection 122 students and 5 school staff as the research objects investigates the current situation of paramilitary management of students' daily behavior in X secondary vocational school on the basis of camp order management, daily life management, classroom discipline management, attendance management, assessment reward and punishment management six dimensions. The study found that there are many problems in the process of paramilitary management of students. Dealing with the problem of paramilitary management of students' daily behavior in X secondary vocational schools, how to innovate the talent training model of secondary vocational schools, speed up the reform of the school-running system of secondary vocational schools, and enhance students' learning ability. Comprehensive literacy is a key point that needs to be addressed urgently in the development of secondary vocational education.


paramilitary management; secondary vocational school; daily behavior management

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Tingting Xu, Lin Gong, Lixin He. Research on paramilitary management of students' daily behavior in secondary vocational schools-taking X military academy as a case. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 14: 1-5. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2022.051401.


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