Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2022, 5(14); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2022.051411.
Chenchieh Su
School of Foreign Languages, Zhaoqing University, Zhaoqing, China
Geert Hofstede’s cultural dimension theory is among the most influential theories in the field of intercultural communication. It has played a pivotal role in the study of intercultural management, marketing, human resources, and intercultural teaching and learning. This study briefly introduces Hofstede's cultural dimension theory, explores the application of the theory in the field of Second Language Acquisition, and offers suggestions for strengthening the intercultural communication competence and performance of second language learners.
Geert Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory, Intercultural communication, SLA
Chenchieh Su. Geert Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory and Its Implications in SLA. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 14: 57-61.
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