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Frontiers in Medical Science Research, 2022, 4(13); doi: 10.25236/FMSR.2022.041301.

Study on Diet Intervention Factors of Elderly Hypertensive Patients in China Based on COM-B Model


Xiaojing Tan, Mingdong Wu, Liee Li, Yirong Zhang

Corresponding Author:
Liee Li

The Second People's Hospital of Shenzhen (The First Affiliated Hospital of Shenzhen University), Shenzhen, 518037, China


The objective of the current study was to explore the factors that affect the dietary management of elderly hypertensive patients, and to provide a scientific reference for the selection and optimization of comprehensive prevention and treatment strategies for blood pressure control and health management for elderly hypertensive patients in the community, and to improve patients' self-management ability and blood pressure control effects. Based on the three necessary conditions of the COM-B framework: ability, motivation and opportunity, the factors affecting the eating behavior of hypertensive patients were analyzed, and the corresponding intervention plan was then formulated. The conclusion is that lack of awareness and social support is the main factor influencing dietary intervention in elderly hypertensive patients in the community. In addition, community-based dietary management of hypertension mainly includes health education, psychological intervention, exercise guidance and dietary intervention. At the same time, improving the blood pressure control effect and dietary management level of elderly hypertensive patients requires the joint efforts and cooperation of the government, community, patients and their families.


Diet Intervention, Hypertension, COM-B Model

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Xiaojing Tan, Mingdong Wu, Liee Li, Yirong Zhang. Study on Diet Intervention Factors of Elderly Hypertensive Patients in China Based on COM-B Model. Frontiers in Medical Science Research (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 13: 1-6. https://doi.org/10.25236/FMSR.2022.041301.


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