Frontiers in Medical Science Research, 2022, 4(13); doi: 10.25236/FMSR.2022.041303.
Lingbo Zhang1,2, Jiancheng Wang2
1Yangtze University Health Science Center, Jingzhou, China
2The Second People's Hospital of Jingzhou, Jingzhou, China
Ischemic stroke (IS) is the most common cerebrovascular disease in clinical practice, with high morbidity, high mortality and high disability rate. It is the leading cause of death and disability among Chinese adults. Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) enables simultaneous acquisition of tissue diffusion and perfusion information in a single scan. In 1988, Le Bihan first proposed the concept of IVIM. With the emergence of high-field MR and the improvement of computer post-processing speed,IVIM imaging technology has gradually developed and matured, and has been widely used in the diagnosis of various systemic diseases, especially in the application of IS.This article aims to review the imaging principle of IVIM and the value of IVIM in the diagnosis and treatment of ischemic stroke, and discuss the clinical application value and research prospect of IVIM in IS.
Ischemic stroke, Intravoxel incoherent motion, Magnetic resonance imaging
Lingbo Zhang, Jiancheng Wang. The imaging principle of IVIM and its value in the diagnosis and treatment of ischemic stroke. Frontiers in Medical Science Research (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 13: 12-18.
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