Frontiers in Medical Science Research, 2022, 4(13); doi: 10.25236/FMSR.2022.041306.
Meng Wang1, Xiaoping Cui2, Yating Zhang1, Panjie Cui1, Xinchun Xiao2, Xia Liu2
1Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang, 712046, China
2Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang, 712099, China
Thin endometrium is common in clinics, which is closely related to infertility and assisted reproductive technology. At present, traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)is effective in treating this disease, but the related causes of TCM are complex. It is generally believed that this disease is mainly caused by kidney deficiency and blood stasis. We systematically summarized the etiology and pathogenesis of thin endometrium in recent 20 years, and found that kidney essence deficiency, spleen and kidney deficiency, imbalance of heart and kidney, damaged uterine vessels, stagnation of liver qi and so on can also cause this disease. Syndrome types of this disease are not uniform, mainly including kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome, spleen and kidney deficiency syndrome, liver depression and qi stagnation syndrome, phlegm-dampness block syndrome, etc. There are various methods of treating this disease with traditional Chinese medicine, including internal treatment, external treatment, internal and external treatment, emotional guidance, etc. In the treatment of oral medication of this disease, the treatment method is adjusted according to the menstrual cycle time, and the emotional dredging therapy is unique. Altogether, the effect of traditional Chinese medicine in treating this disease is affirmative. The author summarizes the TCM cognition of the disease in order to provide a better treatment plan for the clinic.
Thin Endometrium, Etiology and Pathogenesis, Syndrome Pattern Rule, Chinese Traditional Treatment
Meng Wang, Xiaoping Cui, Yating Zhang, Panjie Cui, Xinchun Xiao, Xia Liu. Explore the Recognition and Treatment of Thin Endometrium in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Frontiers in Medical Science Research (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 13: 29-38.
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