Frontiers in Art Research, 2022, 4(14); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2022.041401.
Yonggang Wang
Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, School of Art and Design, Zhengzhou, China
In response to the problems of homogenization, lack of innovation, rigid application and self-conformity in the design of "national trend" clothing, the author analyzes the concept and expression of "national trend" clothing based on the theory of "symbolic interpretation space and meaning structure" in the study of visual culture. Based on the analysis of the concept and expression of "national trend" clothing, the author analyzes two typical cases of "China Li Ning" brand and "2022 Winter Olympic Games uniform design", using the theory of "symbolic interpretation space and implication structure" in visual culture research to clarify the study shows that the logic of "national trend" apparel design and the competitiveness of "national trend" apparel brands have been improved. The study shows that "national trend" clothing design presents multi-dimensional and multi-level development characteristics, taking consumers' needs as the proposition, keeping a close eye on the pulse of fashion, breaking through the dichotomy between East and West, and building a new ecology of shared and symbiotic design, in order to keep "national trend" always new and sustainable. The new ecology of shared and symbiotic design will enable the "national trend" to remain new and develop forever.
"National fashion" clothing design, Interpretative space, Meaningful structure, International dress code
Yonggang Wang. Research on the Interpretative Space and Meaningful Structure of "National Trend" Clothing Design. Frontiers in Art Research (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 14: 1-8.
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