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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2022, 5(18); doi: 10.25236/FER.2022.051805.

Data-based Learning Outcomes Analysis of Online Learning — A Case Study of English Course in a Shanghai University during COVID-19


Ting Hu, Juan Chi, Zhiqing Sun, Chunyu Gu, Yuyi Cao, Xiaoye Song

Corresponding Author:
Ting Hu

School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai, China


As COVID-19 swept the world leading to massive education disruptions in most countries and regions, higher education institutions were driven online, with or without good preparation. The evolving and lingering of the pandemic has made online learning integral to higher education now, of which the outcomes evaluation is essential to whether this challenge can be transformed into opportunities for future education. The study reviewed and analyzed from statistic perspective the learning outcomes of an English course taught online only at a university in Shanghai during the lockdown in 2022, with the aim to provide some empirical evidence to the existing qualitative research or surveys. The examination focuses on the accessibility, applicability and adaptability of digital learning journey. The statistical analysis in SPSS 26 demonstrates the easy connections to online platforms, effectiveness of immediate responses to the rapid online shift and possible existence of cheating in online only teaching in this case. The findings also illustrate the necessity of: a) clear education road map to be articulated based on learning outcomes and customized for online teaching settings, b) effective evaluation methods elaborately designed and organized using digital tools, and c) supporting online community with a range of teaching formats and recourses.


online learning, learning outcomes, outcome-based education, statistical analysis

Cite This Paper

Ting Hu, Juan Chi, Zhiqing Sun, Chunyu Gu, Yuyi Cao, Xiaoye Song. Data-based Learning Outcomes Analysis of Online Learning — A Case Study of English Course in a Shanghai University during COVID-19. Frontiers in Educational Research (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 18: 26-34. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2022.051805.


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