Frontiers in Medical Science Research, 2022, 4(14); doi: 10.25236/FMSR.2022.041407.
Chung-Hsing Chao
Department of Intelligent Vehicles and Energy, Minth University of Science and Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Human urine can be used to test the urine bioelectricity by taking a graphite electrode pair out of dry cells, putting fresh urine into a small cup, and assembling a urine bioelectricity. A number of conditions of the human body were analysed, including family relationships, age, gender, health status, diet habits, and how much water one drinks during a day. Additionally, we examined the electrical properties of not fresh urine depending on the number of days it was stored with or without refrigeration. A cotton cloth soaked with urine is used to change the form of urine for testing to prevent liquid urine inconvenience. By examining the discharge characteristics of human urine, we can better understand our health status through this study.
Urine health, Bioelectricity, Electricity generation
Chung-Hsing Chao. Study on the Bioelectricity of Human’s Urine. Frontiers in Medical Science Research (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 14: 49-54.
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