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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2022, 4(15); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2022.041519.

Retrospect and Prospect of the Financial Investment System of Vocational Education in the 70 Years since the Founding of New China


Xiaohui Guo

Corresponding Author:
Xiaohui Guo

College of Elementary Education, Chongqing Normal University, Beibei District of Chongqing, 400700, Chongqing, China


Ensuring the financial input of vocational education is an important foundation for the development of vocational education. In the past 70 years since the founding of New China, the financial investment system of vocational education in China has experienced four stages: establishment and rise, restoration and revitalization, development and adjustment, reform and improvement. Throughout the development process of financial investment system of vocational education in China, we can reflect on the imperfect financial investment system of vocational education, the unclear decentralization of central and local governments, the imperfect performance evaluation mechanism, the incomplete development of legal relief and so on. Therefore, it puts forward prospects for the development of vocational education, such as improving the vocal mechanism in the formulation of vocational education policies, clarifying the relationship between central and local governments in the financial input of vocational education, and sorting out the basic ideas of the design of vocational education allocation mechanism and so on.


70 years since the founding of New China; vocational education; financial input system; reflection and prospect

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Xiaohui Guo. Retrospect and Prospect of the Financial Investment System of Vocational Education in the 70 Years since the Founding of New China. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 15: 106-120. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2022.041519.


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