Frontiers in Art Research, 2022, 4(16); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2022.041602.
Tianyu Jia1, Yong Wang2, Nam-gyu Cho3
1Dance Department, Sangmyung University, Seoul, South Korea
2Institute of Cultural Policy, Sangmyung University, Seoul, South Korea
3Public Performance Arts Management Department, Sangmyung University, Seoul, South Korea
Recently, in the global performance world, in the digital age, works using convergence technology such as <Unexpected Bang Du>, <Ben Hur>, and <Man Made> are increasing. In this study, when convergence technology is applied to a dance performance, the audience's immersion (flow) can be increased, thereby reducing the reluctance to use new technology, increasing the perceived ease and perceived usefulness, and finally improving performance attitude and viewing. It was also expected to have a positive effect on the specific research method, an online survey on a 5-point scale was conducted for about two weeks from August 2020 targeting 304 consumers in the performance market. Exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis were performed through the SPSS package, and confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis of model fit and convergent validity were performed through the AMOS package. The analysis results are as follows. Looking at each hypothesis, the pleasure of flow had a negative effect on perceived ease of use and a positive effect on perceived usefulness, but had no effect on performance attitude. Flow's attention had a positive effect on perceived ease of use and performance attitude, but had no effect on perceived usefulness. The telepresence of a flow depends on the perceived ease and usefulness, respectively.
Dance performance, Convergence performance, Technology acceptance model
Tianyu Jia, Yong Wang, Nam-gyu Cho. Effect of Flow of Convergence Dance Performance on Performance Attitude and Viewing Intention of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Frontiers in Art Research (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 16: 6-17.
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