Frontiers in Art Research, 2022, 4(16); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2022.041603.
Mingxuan He
University of the Arts London, London, United Kingdom
The global refugee crisis is an ongoing problem in which the harm done to refugee children cannot be ignored. In response to this problem, the research will from the view of design, to find a child-friendly space designing method to improve the settlement environment on the mental health of unaccompanied refugee children and adolescents in the London borough of Croydon.
Unaccompanied refugee children and adolescents, Settlement environment, Psychology, Child-friendly space
Mingxuan He. On Improving Settlement and Alleviating the Psychological Problem of Unaccompanied Refugee Children and Adolescents. Frontiers in Art Research (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 16: 18-22.
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