Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2022, 5(18); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2022.051806.
Yu Sun
Anhui Normal University, Anhui, China
The public health governance in the United States has a long history, and with the continuous advancement of medical technology and the continuous update of the concept of health and epidemic prevention, a vertical hierarchy of "federal-state-local" and a horizontal division of labor of "government agencies-private sector-voluntary groups" have been formed. Multi-agent composite governance framework. However, in the specific practice of dealing with severe influenza and the new crown pneumonia epidemic, American public health governance still exposes the see-saw of federal and state powers and the differences in implementation between regions, the conflict between public health professional arrangements and political operations, the structural shortage of public health resources, and the lack of fairness and other dilemmas. The U.S. government has deliberately turned health governance into a highly politicized tool, making the current situation of public health security in the United States more complicated.
public health events; emergencies; American public health management; management mechanism
Yu Sun. Research and Analysis on the Evolution and Development Dilemma of Emergent Public Health Governance in the United States. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 18: 33-39.
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