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Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2022, 5(18); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2022.051816.

Logical Innovation of Metaverse Empowerment Ideological and Political Education: Reconstruction Based on People, Things and Scenes


Jiangli Wang

Corresponding Author:
Jiangli Wang

Guangdong Engineering Polytechnic, Guangzhou, China


Metaverse, as a new technology, new thinking and new method facing the future development, has brought new opportunities for the reform and innovation of ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the new era. To explore the focus of Metaverse's empowerment of ideological and political education, and to straighten out the logical sequence of the integration of ideological and political education and Metaverse, we can start with the three key elements of ideological and political education: "people (educational subject and object), things (educational content and resources) and fields (educational environment)", build a diversified and convertible educational community, and pay more attention to the process of emotional interaction. And innovate the carrier form of educational content, break through the environmental restrictions of educational content expression, and promote the supply of multi-subject educational content. And realize the three-dimensional expansion and superposition of ideological and political education field. With the help of Metaverse technology, the basic forms of "people, things and scenes" in virtual and real time and space are created, and the logical sequence of their integration is built to realize the benign development and value return of education.


Metaverse, Colleges and universities, Ideological and political education, Logic innovation

Cite This Paper

Jiangli Wang. Logical Innovation of Metaverse Empowerment Ideological and Political Education: Reconstruction Based on People, Things and Scenes. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 18: 92-99. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2022.051816.


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