Frontiers in Medical Science Research, 2019, 1(3); doi: 10.25236/FMSR.2019.010302.
Ye Fenglian, Pan Qingzhu, Jin Weiduan, Li Fulan
The Fifth Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai 519000, China
To investigate the effect of comfortable nursing for patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy. METHODS: A prospective study was performed on the clinical data of 100 breast cancer patients who underwent modified radical mastectomy in breast surgery in our hospital in recent years. The 100 patients were randomized into group A and group B. Modified radical mastectomy for both groups of patients. Before and after the operation, the two groups of patients were routinely treated. On this basis, the patients in group A were comfortably treated, and then the SAS score, SDS score and severity of postoperative pain were compared between the two groups. RESULTS: After receiving care, the SAS score and SDS score of group A patients were lower than those of group B (P<0.05). After operation, the incidence of severe pain in group A was lower than that in group B (P<0.05). Conclusion: Comfortable care for patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy can significantly improve their mental state and reduce their postoperative pain.
Modified Radical Mastectomy; Breast Cancer; Comfort Care
Ye Fenglian, Pan Qingzhu, Jin Weiduan, Li Fulan. Study on the effect of comfortable nursing for patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy. Frontiers in Medical Science Research (2019) Vol. 1 Issue 3: 7-15.
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