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Academic Journal of Architecture and Geotechnical Engineering, 2022, 4(3); doi: 10.25236/AJAGE.2022.040307.

Finite element analysis of steel-bonded reinforcement for cast-in-place beamless floor


Jie Su1, Linqing Huang1, Jie Song1, Lili Tan1, Xinxue Liao2

Corresponding Author:
Jie Su

1Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing, China

2Chongqing Zhongji Zhonglian Inspection Technology Co., Ltd., Chongqing, China


In recent years, there have been a lot of accidents in the beamless building, the most serious of which is the shear damage of the column cap of the beamless building, and the column head rushes out of the plate, causing the collapse of the beamless building. In addition, cracks are easily generated at the location of the column cap of the beamless floor, which affects the durability and safety of the structure. In this paper, ABAQUS finite element software is used to model the beamless floor cap and to compare and analyze the stresses of the beamless floor cap before and after reinforcement. The results of the study show that: the adhesive steel reinforcement can effectively inhibit the development of cracks at the location of the column cap of the beamless floor; the shear resistance of the column cap of the beamless floor can be improved after the adhesive steel reinforcement.


Abaqus, Cast-in-place beamless floor, Reinforced with bonded steel, Crack analysis

Cite This Paper

Jie Su, Linqing Huang, Jie Song, Lili Tan, Xinxue Liao. Finite element analysis of steel-bonded reinforcement for cast-in-place beamless floor. Academic Journal of Architecture and Geotechnical Engineering (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 3: 42-47. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJAGE.2022.040307.


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