Frontiers in Educational Research, 2023, 6(1); doi: 10.25236/FER.2023.060101.
Chen Tingwei1, Wang Haiqing1, Li Jiaqi1, Su weilin1
1Institute of Analytical Psychology, City University of Macao, Macao, China
With the launch of the Double reduction policy, the burden of parents and primary school students has not been completely reduced, and many parents still have excessive parenting pressure and fear that their children are lagging behind in education, which not only affects parents' physical and mental health, but also causes certain harm to children's learning and growth. This paper analyzes the current situation and causes of parenting stress by literature research and interviews, and distills the four themes: educational expectations, reform of the secondary school entrance examination system, the disappearance of after-school training institutions, and the cost of after-school care by using the Colaizzi seven-step method, and proposes countermeasures in four areas: parental perceptions, evaluation system, out-of-school institutions, and school support, in order to reduce parenting stress and promote parents' physical and mental health and " and the implementation of the Double reduction policy.
the Double reduction policy; parents; parenting pressure; coping strategies
Chen Tingwei, Wang Haiqing, Li Jiaqi, Su weilin. Exploring the current situation of parenting pressure in elementary schools under the double reduction policy. Frontiers in Educational Research (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 1: 1-5.
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