Frontiers in Educational Research, 2023, 6(1); doi: 10.25236/FER.2023.060111.
Li Qingmin
School of Foreign Languages, Beihua University, Jilin, 132013, China
Two major schools of grammar emerged in the 20th century, namely American Structural Grammar represented by L. Bloomfield and Transformational-Generative Grammar (TG Grammar) represented by Chomsky. This paper compares the differences between the two schools of grammar from aspects of background, the stage of development, the philosophical and psychological basis, the view of language, goals of study, objects and methods of study, language acquisition theory and other aspects. This paper also compares the differences between the two schools of grammar in English teaching. It is helpful for us to better grasp the nature of these two schools of grammar by comparing them, so as to better apply them to English teaching.
TG Grammar; Structural grammar; Comparative study; English teaching
Li Qingmin. A Comparison between TG Grammar and Structural Grammar. Frontiers in Educational Research (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 1: 65-71.
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