Frontiers in Educational Research, 2023, 6(1); doi: 10.25236/FER.2023.060119.
Li Na
Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou, China
“Under the requirements of the new curriculum standard for the cultivation of senior high school students' reading ability, this paper mainly discusses the application of meta-cognitive strategies in English reading teaching in senior high school. The author will take the reading class, ‘A Day in the Cloud’ in Reading and Thinking part of Wildlife Protection in the second unit of New PEP Senior High School English Compulsory II as an example. Combining meta-cognitive strategies with reading teaching process can improve students’ autonomous learning ability and master the reading strategies; on the other hand, it can provide corresponding measures for senior high school English teachers and improve their ability of using meta-cognitive strategies in English teaching.”
Meta-cognitive strategies; Senior high school English; Reading teaching
Li Na. The Application of Meta-cognitive Strategies in English Reading Teaching in Senior High School. Frontiers in Educational Research (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 1: 119-125.
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