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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2023, 5(2); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2023.050209.

Research on the Cultivation of College Students’ Values from the Perspective of “Post-Truth”


Feifei Ge

Corresponding Author:
Feifei Ge

School of Marxism, Sanjiang University, Nanjing, China


College period is an important special period for the gradual development and modification of the world view, values and outlook on life of the youth. In the new era, with the development of Internet “We Media” and so on, the “post-truth” phenomenon has emerged endlessly, affecting the values of college students to a certain extent. This paper will analyze the influence of the “post-truth” phenomenon on the values of college students, to explore the path of cultivating the socialist core values of college students under the “post-truth” phenomenon.


Post-truth; College student; Values

Cite This Paper

Feifei Ge. Research on the Cultivation of College Students’ Values from the Perspective of “Post-Truth”. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 2: 49-53. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2023.050209.


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