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Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science, 2023, 5(2); doi: 10.25236/AJEE.2023.050208.

Research on low-carbon lifestyle of college students in Hubei University and promotion strategies


Wei Zhang, Qiancheng Liu, Tianyue Yuan

Corresponding Author:
Wei Zhang

Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China


College students, as high-quality talents for China's future social construction, are the main force for practicing low-carbon life. Through investigating the cognition, willingness, behavior and motivation of low-carbon life among college students in Hubei universities, it is found that most college students do not have a sound low-carbon cognitive concept, and their awareness of responsibility for low carbon and the subjective motivation to spread it are not strong, so it is difficult to change their low-carbon behavior in the short term. Accordingly, countermeasures to promote low-carbon lifestyle of college students are proposed in terms of raising responsibility awareness, visualizing "low-carbon", creating a good campus low-carbon atmosphere, cultivating "low-carbon" models, and promoting low-carbon ideological innovation.


low carbon living; promotion strategy; carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals; college students

Cite This Paper

Wei Zhang, Qiancheng Liu, Tianyue Yuan. Research on low-carbon lifestyle of college students in Hubei University and promotion strategies. Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science (2023) Vol. 5 Issue 2: 43-50. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJEE.2023.050208.


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