Frontiers in Educational Research, 2023, 6(5); doi: 10.25236/FER.2023.060525.
Wang Guan
Hainan Tropical Ocean University, Sanya, Hainan, China
As an integral part of higher education, music education plays a fundamental role in promoting and enhancing the comprehensive competency of undergraduate students. Because of its unique nature, music education at Chinese universities plays a crucial role in the transfer of talent across disciplines to meet the demands of the country's ongoing economic and technical transformation and industrial structure reform. Based on quantitative research, this study posits the connections between music education and virtue, humanity, mental health, cognitive growth, and creative problem-solving. This research provides additional support for the idea that students' general competency is greatly boosted by their exposure to music by doing quantitative analysis on the relationships between music education and several different skills. Our study fills up the gaps left by other studies' lack of quantitative analysis of music education and offers important guidance for how higher education institutions might enhance their contribution, curriculum planning, and assessment in this area. University and college campuses around the country are suffering from a critical lack of music faculty. To address these issues, a number of Chinese universities are exploring new approaches to music education that may be adapted to the country's higher learning institutions, including the identification of innovative pedagogical approaches and the development of novel instructional frameworks. It is important to increase students' autonomous learning capacity and widen students' music learning range when teachers establish an exciting music classroom setting with diverse teaching approaches since they are all outlined in the new curricular standard. This article analyses the current state of music management in Chinese universities and colleges and then proposes a first proposal for improving the management system in the hopes of stimulating more study into the best ways to oversee the administration of public music instruction on campus.
Music education, Management mode, College students
Wang Guan. Analysis of Music Education Management Mode in Colleges and Universities in China. Frontiers in Educational Research (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 5: 127-148.
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