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Frontiers in Art Research, 2023, 5(4); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2023.050404.

Analysis of the Influence of Wei-Jin Style on Stone Carving Art in the Northern and Southern Dynasties


Lirong Xie

Corresponding Author:
Lirong Xie

Jingdezhen Ceramic University, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, 333403, China


Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties in Chinese history is a major turning point, regardless of economic, political, military, cultural and the entire ideology, including philosophy, religion and literature and so on, are undergoing tremendous changes. However, in this turbulent and changeable era, the three kingdoms, the decline of the empire, the rapid change of the north and south regimes, the literati were forced to deal with the ideological crisis, the introduction of Buddhism, the grotto art and so on. This series of changes will show what kind of state and characteristics of the times, and how to breed a series of magnificent and elegant stone carving art with its own characteristics of the times. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the times in the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties, this paper extracts the characteristics of stone sculpture in the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties, and explores the reasons for the characteristics of stone sculpture in the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties and the influence of Wei-Jin style on the art of stone sculpture in the Wei Jin Dynasties, in order to provide some reference value for the study of the formation and development of stone sculpture art in this period.


Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties, Stone carving art, Divine beast, Magnificen, Elegant

Cite This Paper

Lirong Xie. Analysis of the Influence of Wei-Jin Style on Stone Carving Art in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Frontiers in Art Research (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 4: 16-20. https://doi.org/10.25236/FAR.2023.050404.


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