Frontiers in Educational Research, 2022, 5(4); doi: 10.25236/FER.2022.050408.
Hua Sun
Faculty of Humanities, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China
Multimedia technology has also been cited and developed in the field of education. Its intervention has had a profound impact on education, triggering the renewal of the concept of educators, the renewal of educational methods and the renewal of educational forms. Actively exploring, optimizing teaching modes, innovating teaching methods, and updating teaching concepts are the teaching reform direction of colleges and universities. How to take a scientific and rational mode of teaching based on different disciplines, to students to maximize guidance and inspiration, it is essential. As a teaching theory, the overall language teaching method has a great influence on language teaching. In college English learning, the correct way to master the vocabulary is to learn by use. Only through multiple learning and applications, the combination of language input and output can ultimately improve the language application ability. This coincides with the idea of an educational philosophy, the overall language teaching method. Today, multimedia has become an important teaching device in schools. Therefore, this paper combines the unique advantages of multimedia technology with the overall language teaching method and empirically compares it with the traditional vocabulary teaching method, trying to find an effective teaching method that can promote students' vocabulary acquisition.
Multimedia; British Vocabulary Teaching; Overall Language Teaching Method; Vocabulary Learning Mode
Hua Sun. Application of the Whole Language Teaching Method in the Teaching of English Vocabulary Based on the Multimedia Environment of the Internet of Things. Frontiers in Educational Research (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 4: 35-43.
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