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Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2023, 6(8); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2023.060811.

The Application of Humanism in Modern Art Fiber Design Style


Xiaodan Wang

Corresponding Author:
Xiaodan Wang

Institute of Textile & Fashion Design, Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, Shenyang, China


Tracing the history of fiber art development, fiber art has been well respected from ancient times to the present in both China and Western countries, carrying cultural heritage and connotations from different regions and eras. Humanism has a strong driving force for the development of anything, and its logical approach is to greatly showcase artistic style. Humanism can allow fiber artists to convey cultural spirit, emotional resonance, and ideological consciousness to viewers through different materials and forms of fiber expression. This paper attempts to perfectly integrate modern fiber art with humanistic forms of expression, which can lead to greater development and progress.


humanism, fiber art, design style

Cite This Paper

Xiaodan Wang. The Application of Humanism in Modern Art Fiber Design Style. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 8: 57-60. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2023.060811.


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