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Frontiers in Art Research, 2021, 3(3); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2021.030308.

Discussion on Aesthetic Thinking in Vocal Performance


Zhu Yanhong

Corresponding Author:
Zhu Yanhong

School of Music, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China, 210000


Vocal performance is an art based on aesthetic consciousness and pursuing aesthetic principles. As far as vocal music works are concerned, the re-creation of works can be realized through vocal performance, and the superficial meaning and deep ideological connotation of vocal music works are presented by means of re-creation and practical performance, The whole process has strong creativity, and of course it also shows unique aesthetic thinking. In the process of studying and analyzing vocal performance, we should recognize that vocal performance is a form of expressing beauty, not only focusing on vocal performers and creators, but also based on aesthetic thinking, and realize the charm of vocal works from multiple angles in vocal performance. 


vocal performance; Aesthetic thinking; question

Cite This Paper

Zhu Yanhong. Discussion on Aesthetic Thinking in Vocal Performance. Frontiers in Art Research (2021) Vol. 3, Issue 3: 36-38. https://doi.org/10.25236/FAR.2021.030308.


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