Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2022, 5(8); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2022.050806.
Xinyan Zhang, Jiayue Li, Shangwenbo Tong, Peiyi Ma, Weijian Kang
School of Mechanical and Electrical, Hebei University of Engineering, Handan, Hebei, China
In this study, an unmanned passenger car is used as an example to realize the function of automatic parking in a parking lot. The unmanned vehicle is an Ackermann structured passenger car with front wheel steering and rear wheel drive; the minimum turning radius of the vehicle is calculated based on the parameters in the given unmanned vehicle model. When the maximum acceleration of the vehicle is limited to 20m/s, the shortest distance to accelerate to the maximum limited speed when the unmanned vehicle travels along a straight line. As well as when the vehicle speed is 20km/h, the unmanned vehicle starts to turn from the state of driving along a straight line, this paper will calculate how much the size of the rate of change of curvature on the path relative to the path length needs to be limited. Besides, on the basis of establishing the mathematical model, the initial position of the unmanned vehicle is the entrance of the garage, which requires us to make the parking trajectory and visualize the trajectory map from the initial position to the designated parking space. The trajectory includes the path length, vehicle orientation, velocity, acceleration, acceleration plus, angular velocity, angular acceleration, etc. of the unmanned vehicle at each moment, while considering three different parking space situations.
MATLAB; Ackerman steering model; Optimal solution
Xinyan Zhang, Jiayue Li, Shangwenbo Tong, Peiyi Ma, Weijian Kang. Unmanned Vehicle Parking Path Planning Research Based on Ackermann Steering Model. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 8: 27-32.
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