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Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2023, 6(3); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2023.060302.

A Novel UAV Integrated with Fixed-Wings Aircrafts and Rotorcrafts


Zhixing Zhang1, Haoran Shi1, Lilue Wen1, Xiaoqing Zhu2

Corresponding Author:
Xiaoqing Zhu

1Beijing 21st Century International School, Beijing, China

2Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China


In recent years, UAVs have been widely used in various fields. According to our team's preliminary research, the current UAVs can be generally divided into fixed wing and rotor wing. These two categories of UAVs have their own advantages and disadvantages. Modern UAVs have some problems, such as fixed wing needs runway to take off, poor mobility, rotor wing UAV has low energy efficiency, although it has the ability of vertical take-off and landing, the load is low. Since the Internet had promoted the transportation of cargoes, it seems pretty urgent to deal with issues of sending goods to desolate locations like remote mountain areas or deserts. This paper discusses the possibility of combining fixed-wing and rotorcraft UAVs. The design of this paper is to follow the model of the fixed-wing aircraft, and the wing is equipped with upward oars to provide upward lift. In this way we can have both the speed of a fixed-wing UAV vertical take-off and landing capability of a rotorcraft UAV. This makes the UAV more energy efficient and has higher endurance and speed with the same load. The payload is higher for the same endurance.


fixed-wing aircraft, rotorcrafts, express delivery

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Zhixing Zhang, Haoran Shi, Lilue Wen, Xiaoqing Zhu. A Novel UAV Integrated with Fixed-Wings Aircrafts and Rotorcrafts. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 3: 9-14. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJETS.2023.060302.


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